Storytime: Scene of the Crime

3 years ago

To begin with, this is going to sound like a commercial for Gamblin Paints, but I assure you it isn’t.…

The Cure For Muddy Paintings

STUCK IN THE MUD? - The most common question that you ask me is “How do I keep my paintings…

4 years ago

Is Tracing Cheating

WELL IS IT? - My answer has to be a qualified no, and I will get you to why. THE…

4 years ago

Cadmium Colors – Are They Worth It?

MAYBE? - Well, if I told you no right away, you wouldn’t read the rest. So, we are at that…

4 years ago

Color Temperature in Painting

COLOR TEMPERATURE: This was an idea that was developed by the French Impressionists through careful observation of light on objects…

4 years ago